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October Magazine 2021 – Includes 2021 Annual Report

NSW Masonic Club October Magazine 2021


Dear Fellow Members, This edition of our Club Magazine includes the audited financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2021, Notice of Annual General Meeting and Special and Ordinary Resolutions. The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Monday the 22nd of November 2021 at 1pm in Cello’s restaurant. I look forward to seeing as many members as can possibly attend under the existing Covid-19 NSW Government restrictions.
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Club Chat, Issue 35 June 2021

Club Chat, Issue 35 June 2021

Exciting Events!

We’re thrilled to announce that two of this month’s dinner shows, Sorcery & Swing and Faulty Towers The Dining Experience, have been completely SOLD OUT! Fortunately for Members and Guests we still have plenty of exciting events coming up! OUR NEXT showstopper! FROM PARIS TO MOSCOW WITH LOVE
Club Chat, June 2021

Club Chat, Issue 34 May 2021

Club Chat, Issue 34 May 2021

Wrap up of ANZAC Day 2021

ANZAC Day allows us to honour those who died or fought in wars before us, and so we were delighted to be able to share this special day with many familiar faces in the Club this year. For a short time we were caught off-guard by the volume of people visiting the Club, as many other places were not open, but we will be well and truly ready in 2022.
Club Chat, Issue 34 May 2021

Club Chat, Issue 33 April 2021

Club Chat, Issue 33 April 2021


It’s been fantastic to see plenty of familiar faces back in the Club, enjoying our wonderful events and showing some festive spirit! Un piano qui chante was an absolutely stunning evening starring classical pianist Andrew Rumsey and clarinetist Thomas Azoury. Guests were so impressed we hope to welcome them back to Cellos very soon! Continuing with the French theme, we are participating in French Fest on Thursday 15 July, with ‘Paris After Dark’ - a French Cabaret Dinner Show. Jot this event down on your calendar and book a hotel room - it promises to be a spectacular show!
Club Chat, April 2021

Club Chat, Issue 32 March 2021

Club Chat, Issue 32 March 2021


FRENCH FESTIVAL DINNER SHOW - UN PIANO QUI CHANTE...‘A Piano That Sings’ It’s less than a week to go until this fabulous evening in Cellos. However, we need your support! A minimum number of bookings are required to make wonderful new initiatives, like this event, viable for the Club. Please help spread the word and book a table, share this newsletter with your friends or like and share our Facebook posts – it all helps in welcoming new faces to our stunning Club and Grand Dining Room. In a late change to the line up, renowned Australian classical pianist Andrew Rumsey, will now be playing with special guest clarinetist and pianist, Thomas Azoury, performing music of some of the most famous classical composers of all time.
Club Chat, March 2021

Club Chat, Issue 31 February 2021

Club Chat, Issue 31 February 2021


The New Year comes with new challenges and also new opportunities. Borders may be closed but the Club and Hotel are still open for business, so please call in and see us. This is a quick summary of what is happening at your Club: The first point of difference you will notice when entering the Club is the ‘new-look’ foyer. For the first time in many years, a new classical colour scheme has replaced the mustard colour and sky blue. We have uncluttered the foyer, giving Members and Guests a more welcoming arrival experience and we have mixed up the furniture a bit. Let us know what you think. This work has been completely undertaken by the in-house Management Team and other staff Members. Well done to all !
Club Chat, February 2021

Club Chat, Issue 30 December 2020

Club Chat, Issue 30 December 2020


We are almost there; saying good riddance to 2020, that is! Looking back over this year, it really was the year for firsts; the first time our trade had been so severely affected by a virus, the first time we had to close the whole Club down, albeit for a short time, and the first time since the 1940’s that the whole world literally stopped and closed up shop. However, we have seen a number of positive firsts too. Please read about them in Team Talk on the following page. It takes more than this to slow us down! Club Chat, December 2020

October Magazine 2020 – Includes 2020 Annual Report

NSW Masonic Club October Magazine 2020


Dear Fellow Members, This edition of our Club Magazine includes the audited financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2020, Notice of Annual General Meeting and Ordinary Resolutions. The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Monday the 23rd of November 2020 at 1pm in Cello’s Restaurant and I look forward to seeing as many members as can possibly attend under the existing Covid-19 NSW Government restrictions.
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