April Magazine 2010


Dear Fellow Members, Since my last message the Club has suffered the loss of a number of Members. Amongst our losses have been two former Directors, Lindsay Graham and Ron Maguire. Notes about their service to the Club appear on the opposite page of this magazine. We also lost on the 13th February Clarrie James O.A.M and on the 20th of April Jill Graham (Lindsay’s widow). The Club was represented at all three funerals and a wake was held in the Club for Clarrie’s, family and friends. They will be sorely missed. The Board recently and successfully concluded the sale of its Heritage Floor Space, having previously been authorised to do so at the Annual General Meeting. The price obtained was most satisfactory and the resultant funds will be put to good use. The Board has now to negotiate an appropriate Neighbourhood Agreement with Grocon which will be developing the site to our immediate north and west.

October Magazine 2009 – Includes 2008/2009 Annual Report


Dear Fellow Members, All members should have received my message of 7 September about the forthcoming Board elections. A reading of the annual report, which appears in this edition of the magazine, will indicate that the Club, like all others, will require a Board for the next two years which is experienced and able to make difficult decisions. All nominees for Board membership consent to attend, if requested, a meeting with a person or persons nominated by the Board to discuss their understanding of the desirable attributes and the duties of a Director. I urge you to consider carefully any nomination and to look well to your ballot. In an article in this edition I have set out in some detail major events in the life of the Club over the past year. Accordingly, I shall use this opportunity to report on those responsible for various aspects of the Club’s activities.

June Magazine 2009


Dear Fellow Members, On 3 June, the Vice President Mr Lindsay Payne will resign from the Board of this Club. The Board will thus lose a hard working member who is currently also the longest serving member. Lindsay Payne joined the Board in 1993 and has served in a number of capacities including Treasurer, Convenor of the Finance Committee, Convenor of the House Supply & Staff Committee and Vice President. Lindsay has also been active in a number of sub-clubs including the Veterans’ Association, the RSL Masonic Sub-branch, the Sydney Birthday Club and the Touring Group. I have no doubt that he will continue to show a great interest not only in these groups but also in the life of the Club as a whole.

March Magazine 2009


Dear Fellow Members, Since I last wrote to report to you, the Vice President, the General Manager and I have once again attended the Annual Conference of Clubs NSW as the representatives of this Club. A new feature at this conference was an elective seminar on the subject of club amalgamations. It was well attended. The fact that such a seminar was held at all is indicative of the state of the club industry. Every month brings closures or proposals for the amalgamation of clubs. One city club has ceased trading, others are in financial difficulty and still others are in the process of amalgamation. Your Club has not been left unscathed by the financial downturn but your Board is confident that with prudence and effective administration we will come through the overall economic trough with all colours flying.

October Magazine 2008 – Includes 2007/2008 Annual Report


Dear Fellow Members, Since my last report, much has been happening in the Club, for the betterment of yourselves, your guests and our hotel guests. The long awaited air conditioning work on floors, 8 to 11 and some small adjustments to the existing air conditioning on floors 6 & 7 will when you read this have been completed. This work has revealed some other areas where remedial treatment is necessary and your Board and Management will deal with these problems both promptly and prudently. As reported by the General Manager in this edition of the magazine, additional work has also been undertaken to improve our hotel bathrooms. All of these works are vital...

June Magazine 2008


Dear Fellow Members, Since my last report the refurbishment of the fi rst fl oor meeting room has been completed. Our meeting rooms, as well as proving invaluable to our various sub-clubs, are a source of welcome revenue from a number of organisations who fully appreciate the facilities and ambience of our Club. The decision of your Board to outsource our catering took effect on 5th May. There were a small number of teething problems which were promptly addressed but overall the transition was smooth. Diners on the second fl oor are enjoying the choice offered by new, improved and enlarged menus. New menus for Cello’s will follow. The long awaited improvements to air conditioning on fl oors 6 to 11 are programmed to commence on 21st July, I ask members to bear with us over any inconvenience which may occur.

April Magazine 2008


Dear Fellow Members, When I last reported to you we were in the midst of voting for the new Board to serve you until November 2009. As a result of the election, Lindsey Graham, Charles Lucre and Douglas Cumming were replaced on the Board by Graham Bryne, Ross Delaney and Andrew Colls. At our Annual General Meeting I made specifi c mention of the work done by the three outgoing Board members and I thank them again for all they did during their respective tenures. The new Board members are proving active in their participation in our deliberations. At the time of writing some 284 members have yet to renew their membership. A fi nal reminder has been sent to them and I trust all will return to the fold and continue to enjoy all that our Club has to offer. Our Christmas Season was, as usual, very busy with those special Club luncheons and a host of private functions held in the Club.

October Magazine – Includes 2006/2007 Annual Report


Dear Fellow Members Since I last reported to you in our June edition of this magazine, much has happened in the life of our Club. The two resolutions put to the General Meeting on 25th June were both passed unanimously and the Club auditors are now Messrs Meagher Howard and Wright. I sadly advise that the Board and General Manager have recently had bereavements. Lindsey Graham lost his daughter, Helen. John Barron his mother-in-law, Kerrie Lewis, her father and nephew and Charles Lucre has lost his wife, Jean. Our condolences have been extended.