October Magazine 2018

NSW Masonic Club October Magazine 2018


Dear Fellow Members, This edition of our Club Magazine includes the audited financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2018, Notice of Annual General Meeting and Ordinary Resolutions. The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Monday the 26th of November 2018 at 1pm, and I look forward to seeing as many members as can possibly attend.
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Club Chat, Issue 16 September 2018

Cover-Club-Chat_Issue 16 September 2019


"Join us on Thursday 13 September when we celebrate 125 years since the New South Wales Masonic Club was founded on 15 September, 1893. His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), Governor of New South Wales, in the presence of Most Worshipful Brother Derek Robson AM, Grand Master of The United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, will unveil a commemorative plaque."
Download Club Chat, September 2018

Club Chat, Issue 15 August 2018



"The 4th of July Wine and Dine lunch was an exciting event indeed! The American theme of the day was very well received as was the guest speaker, Tom Switzer, Executive Director at the Centre for Independent Studies, Sydney. Tom’s entertaining speech centred around Donald Trump’s Presidency to date and how he is received by the American public." Download Club Chat, August 2018

Club Chat, Issue 14 June-July 2018



"The Board is excited to share with you that we recently received City of Sydney Council approval to go ahead with constructing four (4) prototype hotel rooms without the need for a full Development Application."
Download Club Chat, June-July 2018

April Magazine 2018


Dear Fellow Members, We are well into the 2018 calendar year already as I prepare my first report to you this year. The financial results for the six months to 31 December 2017 were excellent. The unaudited profit before tax for the six months to 31 December 2017 was $384,081, as compared to $254,863 for the same period last year.
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Club Chat, Issue 12 March 2018



"Following on from last month’s reported activities, the Board can now reveal that we are several steps closer to making the planned refurbishment a reality. We have engaged several Consultants who will each play a vital role in the refurbishment process."
Download Club Chat, March 2018

Club Chat, Issue 11 February 2018



"Last year, we alerted Members to a Development Application (DA) to relocate the liquor licence of the former Windsor Hotel (corner of Park and Castlereagh Streets) to our northern neighbour, Liberty Place."
Download Club Chat, February 2018

Club Chat, Issue 10 January 2018



"2018 is already off to a flying start! The Board, Management and Staff will be kept very busy with a number of projects to be implemented early this year. These include: • repair work and painting of our Southern wall facing Park Street • a total of four mock-up rooms for the accommodation upgrade (to be completed in April) • the double-glazing project will get underway • stage 2 of the kitchen works will commence, as well as other internal repairs and maintenance projects"
Download Club Chat, January 2018