Club Chat, Issue 9 December 2017



"What an exciting few weeks we have had, with many private Christmas functions, plus our Members’ and Friends’ Christmas lunch - as always, a huge success!"
Download Club Chat, December 2017

Club Chat, Issue 8 November 2017



"All nine members of the Board nominated for re-election and were duly elected to the Board for the 2017-2019 term. The Directors are looking forward to building on the achievements of the past two years under their directorship and the Club’s new management."
Download Club Chat, November 2017

October Magazine 2017 – Includes 2017 Annual Report


Dear Fellow Members, I have been privileged to serve your club as President since November 2015. I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to server and to be involved in the many challenges and opportunities the Club has faced in that time. I have recently written about our forthcoming election of Directors for the term November 2017 to November 2019.
Read Magazine E-Book
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Club Chat, Issue 7 September 2017

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"At the recent Extraordinary General Meeting of Masonic Members all seven special resolutions proposed were passed (only financial, Master Mason Members are permitted to vote on Special Resolutions according to the Club’s Articles of Association). Changes include the appointment of President and Vice President (both of whom must be Masonic Members) by the Board of Directors, two new classes of Members called “Country Member” and “Provisional Member”, reduced quorums for AGMs and EGMs, the introduction of a Disciplinary Committee providing members with a right of appeal, optional electronic voting and a minimum 3 years Membership of the Club for Members seeking election as a Director or to nominate another Member."
Download Club Chat, September 2017

Club Chat, Issue 6 August 2017

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"NSWMC 90th BIRTHDAY PARTY" Join us on Tuesday 12th September to celebrate 90 years since our wonderful Club officially opened the doors of its Castlereagh Street home! The 90th birthday festivities will run for 90 minutes, commencing at 1pm with the official ceremony and cutting of the birthday cake. Canapés and a glass of bubbly will follow in the Reagh Bar."
Download Club Chat, August 2017

Club Chat, Issue 5 July 2017

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"Your Board has been kept exceptionally busy with a number of projects, not to mention the end-of-financial-year results, which reflect a highly successful year for the Club. The refurbishment plans are progressing well, and we are now seeing some very good group business flowing through Cellos Grand Dining Room on weekdays."
Download Club Chat, July 2017

r>Club Chat, Issue 4 June 2017

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"Once again, ANZAC Day at the Club was a truly memorable event, from early morning through to the very moving Commemorative Service in the Reagh Bar, in the afternoon; Mothers’ Day High Tea was also a success; record numbers attended both of these events."
Download Club Chat, June 2017

Club Chat, Issue 3 May 2017

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"Once again, ANZAC Day at the Club was a truly memorable event, from early morning through to the very moving Commemorative Service in the Reagh Bar, in the afternoon; Mothers’ Day High Tea was also a success; record numbers attended both of these events."
Download Club Chat, May 2017