April Magazine 2017


Dear Fellow Members, I am now more than 16 months into my term as President of our magnificent Club. Whilst this is the Club’s first magazine for 2017 we have supplemented this with a new “Club Chat” communication. This will now be a regular communication of matters and events involving your Club. From a financial perspective, your Club is currently generating substantial cash flows from its accommodation operations in line with the current boom in occupancy in the Sydney CBD hotel market.
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Club Chat Issue 2, March 2017



"The first Dine and Wine Tasting event of 2017, held in Cello’s on 1st March, was a resounding success. 72 members and guests enjoyed a delicious lunch, accompanied by some Tyrrell’s wines and an intriguing story told by Bruce Tyrrell of the history, present, and future of Tyrrell’s Wines."
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Club Chat Issue 1 – February 2017



"Your Club’s Board has three special projects under consideration at present: 1. Developing a program to celebrate the Club’s 125th Anniversary in 2018 - it is envisaged that a series of social events will commemorate this special milestone, and it may be possible to produce a book on the history of the Club."
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October Magazine 2016 – Includes 2016 Annual Report


Dear Fellow Members This edition of our Club Magazine includes the audited financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2016, notice of Annual General Meeting and Ordinary Resolutions. The financial results for the 2015/16 financial year were extremely pleasing.
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,April Magazine 2016


Dear Fellow Members, This is the first time I write to you as your Club President. I extend a sincere thank you for electing me to this important position. Congratulations also to John Moore on his election as Vice President of the Club, a position to which he has already devoted tremendous energy and inspiration.
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October Magazine 2015 – Includes 2014/2015 Annual Report


Dear Fellow Members, his is the last occasion on which I shall be reporting to Club Members in this magazine. I do so with mixed feelings. I joined the Board in December 2001 and served firstly as Convenor of the House, Supply and Staff Committee and then as Vice President. After Bill Wright was last hospitalised in September 2004, I chaired meetings of the Board and the next Annual General Meeting as acting President until the next election. I was elected as President in 2005 and have served in that office continuously since.
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May Magazine 2015


Dear Fellow Members, I begin this report on a personal note. This will be the penultimate report that I shall make to you. Under the provisions of our Constitution my present term of office, along with those of my fellow directors, will cease on 30th November. My Vice President, Frank Deane and a senior Director, John Moore have indicated that they will not be seeking re-election. I cannot seek to be re-elected as your President and I shall not seek election to any other office. I have served on our Board since 1st December 2001 and the time has come for me to move on.

October Magazine 2014 – Includes 2013/2014 Annual Report


Dear Fellow Members I must begin this report on a sad note by reporting to you the death of one of oldest members, Neville Adam. Neville passed away on 15th September, having joined the Club in 1946. He was a most active member and a regular attender. He was for some time President of the Touring Group and an active member of the Veterans’ Association. He was a man of fixed habits and had his favourite table in Cello’s. The Club and two of its Sub Clubs were represented at the funeral by Nick Matis. Vale Neville. Download