Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20October 2016 NSW Masonic Club 5 As with many buildings open to the public, there are always maintenance jobs to do but this is magnified in a heritage building. A lot goes on “behind the scenes” to provide and maintain the standard of facilities that we have all come to expect at the Club. This year has seen a turnaround in the Club’s profit therefore The Board has been able to allocate additional funds to extend the ongoing Maintenance and Capital Works Program even further. Some of the before, during and after images are shown here. The kitchen needed a complete refurbishment from top to bottom which included: extensive waterproofing of the floor, the highest slip-rated floor vinyl, new 3 metre (10ft) high wall panelling was installed, some new cooking equipment, new stainless steel benches and sinks etc. To date approximately $150,000 has been spent on Stage 1 of the kitchen improvements. Stage 2 works include a new cooking hood, suspended ceiling and ducting upgrades. Due to the need to maintain Food & Beverage services over a busy time of the year, this project may not be fully completed for another six months or so. On the roof, we have undertaken major repair works to stop leaks into the level 11 rooms and an extensive upgrade of the Cooling Tower. Broken windows caused by neighbouring construction works have been attended to and quotes are being sourced for double glazing of windows to mitigate external noise impacts. A full time painter has been employed and is painting all guest rooms in a fresh new colour before rolling out the refurbishment Master Plan. Fire prevention and certification have also received attention including completion of a 2 hour fire rated ceiling. This was installed in the rear area of the level 2 Castlereagh Lounge and an extensive upgrade to our fire dampers is being planned for this year. A new telephone communication system ($29,000) was installed, new computer equipment and software system upgrades ($27,000), a new digital marketing program was implemented and a new property management system was installed on Front Desk. We haven’t stopped ! Overall, we spent some $148,000 on Capital Expenditure and $180,000 on Repairs & Maintenance last year. In this current six month period alone, we have budgeted for ‘Capex’ of $211,000 and Repairs of $187,000. It is not hard to see where the profits are being reinvested into the Club. Most of the improvements mentioned above are “back of house” items which are not visible to Members & Guests on a daily basis. They are absolutely essential to maintaining and improving facilities for members and guests to enjoy as well as providing a safe working environment for all staff. We encourage you to keep using the Club’s facilities. Remember that Members receive a discount of 10% on food and beverage and 15% on accommodation when you visit or stay at the Club. We hope to see you soon. We will keep you updated on all the work going on “behind the scenes”. Please complete this section and return with payment. Your number and membership type can be found on your card. Full Name: Due Date Member Number Member Type Amount Due 31/12/16 Masonic (lodge member) Type 1 $40.00 Masonic (unattached) Type 2 $50.00 Associate Type 3 $50.00 CREDIT CARD PAYMENT DETAILS Cardholder Name: Please charge my credit card the sum of: $ Visa Mastercard American Express Card No. Expiry Date: / Signature: Date: Membership Renewal 2017 IMPORTANT: if your card has a due date of 2017 or beyond, your membership for 2016 has already been paid and is not due for renewal. Return this form or the form on the front of your Club Magazine address label, plus your payment to: PO Box A1160, Sydney South NSW 1235 Ph 02 9284 1000 Fax 02 9284 1999 WHEN IT COMES TO RENEWING YOUR CLUB MEMBERSHIP, ARE YOU ALWAYS ONE OF THE EARLY BIRDS? This year we’re rewarding all of the ‘early birds’ with two entry tickets into our Christmas Raffle, with total prizes valued at $2,000! To claim your free entries, simply renew your membership in person, via mail or online, by 30 November 2016, and we’ll post you two entry tickets with your membership card. Online renewals can be completed at October 2016 NSWMC Magazine 5 Simply renew your membership before November 30 to be in the draw! i Si S S p S emb em ber e e er p BEHIND THE SCENES Above: Stage 1 kitchen improvements Above: The kitchen refurbishment Above: The Castlereagh Lounge ceiling upgrade Above: The Castlereagh Lounge