b'NEW SOUTH WALES MASONIC CLUBNOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2019Notice is hereby given that the 127th Annual General Meeting of the New South Wales Masonic Club will be held in Cellos Dining Room, Level 4, 169-171 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, NSW on Monday, 25th November 2019 at 1:00pm.BUSINESS AGENDA provided such attendances are approved by theconstituted Social & Sporting Clubs within the Club Item No 1 Board as being necessary for the betterment ofwhichshouldbeapprovedbytheMemberseach Confirmation of the Minutes of the previous meetingthe Club. year as they are not offered equally to all Members of held on 26th November 2018. THIRD ORDINARy RESOLUTION the Club. Expenditure proposed in the resolution has Item No 2 ThatpursuanttotheRegisteredClubsActthebeen assessed having regard to sums approved at To receive and consider the Directors Report, themembers hereby approve and agree to expenditurelast years Annual General Meeting for these benefits.Financial Statements for the year ended 30th Juneby the Club of the following benefits for Members: FIFTH ORDINARy RESOLUTION2019 and the Auditors Report thereon. (i)That the President be allowed to order foodThemembersresolvethatBDOEastCoast Item No 3 and beverages in the Club at a cost of $8,000. Partnership be appointed Auditor of the Club.Members will be asked to consider and if thought(ii)(a) That the Convenor (Chairman) of each of theExplanatory Notefit, pass the following Ordinary Resolutions. House Supply & Staff Committee and theNotification was given to the company by Meagher FIRST ORDINARy RESOLUTION Finance Committee be allowed to order foodHoward & Wright of their intention to resign as Pursuant to the Registered Clubs Act the Membersand beverages in the Club at a cost of $4,500; auditorandBDOEastCoastPartnershipneeds hereby approve and agree to the expenditure by(b) That the other Members of the Board beto be approved as the replacement auditor at the the Club in a sum not exceeding $33,000, togetherallowed to order food and beverages in theAGM. A copy of the Notice of Nomination of BDO with GST, until the next Annual General MeetingClub at a cost of $4,500. East Coast Partnership as auditor is attached.of the Club for the following activities of Directors: (iii)That the allowances for food and beveragesThe members at the AGM will be asked to vote on (i)The reasonable cost of a meal and beverages forreferred to earlier in this resolution shallthe appointment of BDO East Coast Partnership as each Director immediately before or immediatelyinclude allowances for items consumed: auditor effective at the AGM.after a Board or Committee meeting on the day (a) onthedayofand/orthedaybeforeand/or SIXTH ORDINARy RESOLUTIONof that meeting when that meeting correspondsthe day after any of the events specified inThat the Board is hereby authorised to provide the with a normal meeting; theFirstResolutionwheretravellingfollowing discounts for Country members:(ii)Reasonable expenses incurred by Directors inarrangementsand/orthedutiesofaDirector (a)A discount of twenty percent (20%) on travelling to and from Directors meetings or othermake the consumption reasonable; accommodation charges;duly constituted committee meetings approved(b)on such other days when a Director is in(b)A discount of five percent (5%) on parking by the Board from time to time on production ofattendanceattheClubinthedischargeofhis/ charges.invoices, receipts or other proper documentaryher duties and the consumption is approximateNotes for Members evidence of such expenditure; in time to those duties and reasonable. 1.Under section 10(6A) of the Registered Clubs (iii)Reasonable travel, accommodation, meal,(iv) That the Members of the New South WalesAct different benefits can be provided for different beverages and other out of pocket expensesMasonic Club Seniors Association be entitledclasses of members provided that the different incurred by Directors in relation to such othereach month to receive meals at such reduced pricebenefits are the subject of a current authorisation duties including attendances at official functionsas may be determined by the Board from time togiven by a general meeting of members before on behalf of the Club in New South Wales andtime, provided such meals are taken at a functionthe benefit is provided.interstate, entertainment of special guests oforganised in the Club for that Association; 2.The Club currently gives Country members a the Club and promotional activities performed(v)That the Board of the Club make such donations asdiscountoffifteenpercent(15%)on by Directors, providing all such activities andit considersfit to each of the duly constituted socialaccommodation charges.Under the Sixth expenses relating thereto are approved by theand sporting sub-clubs within the Club, havingOrdinary Resolution this is being increased by Board in advance, and on production of receipts,regard to the needs and expenditure of thosefive percent (5%) to twenty percent (20%) and invoices or other proper documentary evidence; sub-clubs and without being required to maintaina new discount of five percent (5%) on parking (iv) An annual Presidents Dinner with the persons inequality of expenditure between such sub-clubs. charges is also being provided.attendance to comprise the Directors and theirFOURTH ORDINARy RESOLUTION 3.The Board is of the view that such discounts will partners and other persons (with their partners)That pursuant to the Registered Clubs Act thepromote Country members to more readily use as chosen by the President; members hereby approve and agree to expenditurethe accommodation and facilities of the Club.(v)An annual Board Partners Dinner in appreciationby the Club of the following benefits for members: PASSING OF RESOLUTIONS:of their support. (i)That the President be paid an Honorarium ofAnOrdinaryResolutionrequiresvotesfroma SECOND ORDINARy RESOLUTION $12,500 until the next Annual General Meeting. simple majority of Members who being eligible to ThatpursuanttotheRegisteredClubsActthe(ii)(a)That the Convenor (Chairman) of the Housevote are present and who vote on the resolution at membersherebyapproveandagreetotheSupply & Staff Committee and the Finance the meeting.expenditure by the Club in a sum not exceedingCommittee be paid an Honorarium of $5,750UndertheRegisteredClubsActproxyvotingis $5,000,togetherwithGST,fortheprofessionaluntil the next Annual General Meeting of theprohibitedandemployeesoftheClubwhoare development and education of Directors until theClub; members are ineligible to vote. next Annual General meeting and being: (b)That in the event that the Honorary TreasurerItem No 4(i)The reasonable cost of Directors attending theis not also Convenor (Chairman) of theTotransactanyotherbusinesswhichmaybe Registered Clubs Associations Annual GeneralFinanceCommitteehe/shebepaidan brought forward before the meeting in conformity Meeting; Honorarium of $5,000 until the next Annualwith the Clubs Constitution.(ii)The reasonable cost of Directors attendingGeneral Meeting of the Club.seminars, lectures, trade displays and other(iii)That each other Director be paid an HonorariumBy order of the Boardsimilar events as may be determined by theof $5,000 until the next Annual General Meeting Board from time to time; of the Club. (iii)The reasonable cost of Directors attending otherNotes for Membersregistered clubs for the purpose of viewing andTheOrdinaryResolutionsaretoapprovevariousPaul BraschGeneral Manager assessing their facilities and methods of operationbenefitsforDirectorsandMembersofdulyDated: 21st October 2019Were opening our doors for Sydney Open | Sunday 3 November 2019To celebrate, Sydney Living Museums is extending a special discountedSydney Open Pass rate of $42 to our Members, their friends and family, unlocking 50 of thecitys most inspiring and usually off-limits buildings and spaces. To claim the discount, simply enter the code sydopen19intotheDiscountCodefieldonthe ticketing page (slm.com.au/sydneyopen/buy-tickets) and validate. The discounted ticket price will appear and you can purchase as many tickets as you like.4NSW Masonic Club October 2019 PROUDLy PART OF SyDNEy OPEN 2019'