b'FAMOUS MASONSGOVERNOR MACQUARIEBy Ted SimmonsCLUBS WITHIN THE CLUBINTERNAL CLUBS COMMUNITY TOURING GROUP ANDGROUPSLachlan Macquarie was always a man of actionSOCIAL CLUB ROTARY CLUB OF SYDNEYand he made certain that his stay in Sydney wouldTours, day trips and inhouseAs a major service club, always be remembered. events held throughout the year.the Rotary Club of Sydney Streets, parks and suburbs carry his name and his visionContact: Margaret Neverley- is actively engaged in the Grant raising of funds for worthwhile during his 12 years term turned Sydney and the State ofPhone: 0400 802 032 community causes.NSW from a penal colony into a thriving metropolis. Meetings: 1st Tuesday of thePhone: 9231 7557month at 11am - Nov 3, Dec 1,Website: www.sydneyrotary.Jan 5, Feb 2, Mar 2, Apr 6 comThe year 2020 is the 210th anniversaryNSW MASONIC SUBMeetings: Every Tuesday in of the arrival of Macquarie and his wifeBRANCH RSL Cellos Grand Dining Room at Elizabeth, who also is recognised by the names ofContact: Kenneth Gulline 1pmElizabeth Bay, Elizabeth Street and Mrs Macquaries Chair. Email: jeanettekenneth@ ROYAL COMMONWEALTH Lachlan Macquarie was born on Scotlands Isle of Mull onoptusnet.com.au SOCIETY31 January 1762 and he packed into his 63 years of livingMeetings: 3rd Monday of theMonthly meetings with guest enough travel, work and success to leave a permanent markmonth at 11am - Nov 16, Dec 21,speakers, special event in the history books.He joined the army when he was 16 butJan 18, Feb 15, Mar 15, Apr 19 luncheons held throughout the did not become involved in Australia until he heard of the RumCASTLEREAGH PROBUSyear.Rebellion and the problems of Governor Bligh. He acceptedCLUB Contact: David Bealea recommendation to become Governor of NSW, left LondonMeetings and activities heldEmail: rcsnsw.db@gmail.comin 1809 and visited South Africa to see how a colony wasthroughout the year. Meetings: 3rd Thursday of the organised before arriving in Sydney onNew Years Day 1810. Contact: Maria Bieber month in the Adam RoomHe faced a raft of problems in his new position and quickly usedPhone: 9571 9370 SYDNEY LIONS CLUBhis powers to introduce a tax on liquor to fund development andMeetings: 2nd Monday of theThe Lions Club of Sydney instituted a colonial bank.It was also clear to him that Sydneymonth at 10.30am - Nov 9, Decwelcomes visitors to attend our was growing beyondits penal colony status and many citizens14, Jan 11, Feb 8, Mar 8, Apr 12 lunchtime meetings, held each were earning a respectable living.So he closed disreputableDINE AND WINE CLUB month at the NSW Masonic Club. public houses, founded schools for disadvantaged children,Wine tasting luncheons andContact: David Pellrenamed and rebuilt Sydneys streets, reformed the treatment ofevents held throughout the year. Email: dgpell@bigpond.com women convicts and made town planning a priority. Contact: John Moore Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of the Merchants Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth were given a threePhone: 9758 7620 monthin the Castlereagh year monopoly on the liquor business in return for their supportMeeting Roomin building the (Sydney) hospital which still stands in MacquarieNSW MASONIC CLUBSYDNEY 76 IONIANSStreet. SENIORS ASSOCIATIONMonthly meetings with guest When newly arrived convict and architect Francis GreenwayContact: Nick Matis speakers and special events arrived, he became an ally in helping to rebuild the colonyPhone: 9662 6648 held throughout the year.by designing churches, roads and hospitals while MacquarieMeetings: 4th Monday of theEmail: sydney76ionian@tried to stabiliise trade and credit.However, certain settlersmonth at 11.30am - Nov 23,hotmail.comand farmers who had monopolised business until MacquarieJan 25, Feb 22, Mar 22, Apr 26 Meetings: 4th Wednesday of arrived banded together to force his resignation. He returned toSYDNEY BIRTHDAY CLUB the month, morning tea on level London to fight for his career but died suddenly in 1824 from aMonthly meetings, lunch and2 at 10am followed by meeting kidney complaint while presenting his case. networking. Gentlemen only. at 10.30am and lunch in Cellos Many tributes can be found to him - Macquarie Street, MacquarieContact: Tim FosterGrand Dining Room.University, Lake Macquarie, Hyde Park, many churches and roads. Email: tim.foster@bigpond.com. CHEESE & WINE CLUBLachlan Macquarie was initiated into Lodge No 1 Bombay inau Monthly meetings with a January 1793. He was buried on the Isle of Mull and his graveMeetings: 2nd Thursday of the2-course lunch cheese and wine.is maintained by the National Trust of Australia.month from 12 noon - Nov 12,Contact: Julie DanksDec 10, Jan 14, Feb 11, Mar 11, Email: julie.danks@icloud.comApr 8 Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the month in the Adam Room8NSW Masonic Club October 2020'