b'OUR RECIPROCAL CLUBS COLOMBO SWIMMING CLUBAnother great advantage of being a Club Member! A must for your post-Covid bucket list!The history of The Colombo Swimming Club AUSTRALIA THE KELVIN CLUB OF MELBOURNE dates back to the colonial era in Sri Lanka (then COMMERCIAL CLUB 14-30 Melbourne Pl, Melbourne VIC 3000 Ceylon). During the mid 1930s there was a sig-Phone: 03 9654 5711 nificant need within the expatriate community 618 Dean St, Albury NSW 2640 Email: manager@kelvinclub.com in the country to set up a club that would act Phone: 02 6057 2000www.kelvinclub.com as a family meeting place. Initial meetings of Email: info@commercialclubalbury.com.au UNITED SERVICE CLUB the Club took place at Galle Face Hotel and in www.commercialclubalbury.com.au 1938, Storm Lodge was purchased.Accommodation: 02 6057 2850 183 Wickham Tce, Brisbane QLD 4000 Good food, excellent service, a warm and FORSTER-TUNCURRy MEMORIALPhone: 07 3831 4433friendly atmosphere have defined the Colombo SERVICES CLUB Email: enquiries@unitedserviceclub. Swimming Club throughout its long history and 19 Strand St, Forster NSW 2428 com.au continues to do so to this day.Phone: 02 6591 6591www.unitedserviceclub.com.auwww.clubforster.com.au UNIVERSITy HOUSE - CANBERRA The uniqueness of the club is in its GRADUATE HOUSE - UNIVERSITy OF1 Balmain Cres, Acton ACT 2601 unpretentious, exclusive atmosphere which MELBOURNE Phone: 02 6125 5275 sustains itself effortlessly. The premises stand 224 Leicester St, Carlton VIC 3053 Email: Unihouse@anu.edu.au out as an eloquent testimony to a grander age www.anu.edu.au/unihouse/ gone by, an unmistakable landmark in the city Phone: 03 9347 3438that was once a colonial capital.Email: sec@graduatehouse.com.au UNIVERSITy OF TASMANIA The clubs relaxed and gracious character, www.graduatehouse.com.au Launceston TAS 7250 elegant colonial premises and fine range ORANGE EX-SERVICES CLUB Phone: 1300 138 497 of residential, leisure and sporting facilities 231 Anson St, Orange NSW 2800 Email: enquiries@accommodation.utas. make it the ideal home away from home for Accommodation: 02 6362 5611 edu.authose who demand peace, quietness, tasteful Email: enquiries@oesc.com.au www.accommodation.utas.edu.au surroundings, comfort, good companionship www.oesc.com.au WAGGA RSL CLUB and impeccable service.PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLUB INC. Dobbs St, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 Phone: +94 11 242 1645 207 East Trc, Adelaide SA 5000 Phone: 02 6921 3624 www.colomboswimmingclub.orgPhone: 08 8223 3213 RSL Motel - Phone: 1300 797 079Email: bookings@publicschoolsclub. Email: theclub@waggarsl.com.aucom.au www.waggarsl.com.auwww.publicschoolsclub.com.auTHE RENMARK CLUB INTERNATIONAL160 Murray Ave, Renmark SA 5341 COLOMBO SWIMMING CLUBPhone: 08 8586 6611 Storm Lodge 148 Galle RoadEmail: enquiry@renmarkclub.com.au Colombo 03www.remarkclub.com Phone: +94 11 242 1645 THE RIVERINE CLUB Email: admin@colomboswimmingclub.orgCnr of Tarcutta St & Sturt St, Waggawww.colomboswimmingclub.org Wagga NSW 2650Phone: 02 6921 2031 ROyAL OVER-SEAS LEAGUEEmail: office@riverineclub.com Over-Seas House, Park Place, www.riverineclub.com St James St, LONDON SW1A 1LR Colombo Swimming Club, Sri LankaROyAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF VIC Phone: +44 20 7408 0214 501 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 Email: info@rosl.org.ukPhone: 03 9944 8888 www.rosl.org.ukEmail: cityclub@racv.com.au RECIPROCAL CLUB UNION CLUB OF BRITISH COLUMBIAwww.racv.com.au 805 Gordon St, Victoria, BritishPROCEDURERACV - Cape Schanck Resort Columbia, CANADA, V8W1Z6 If you would like to visit a reciprocal club, Trent Jones Drive (via Boneo Road) Phone: +1 (250) 384-1151 please read the following instructions before Cape Schanck, VIC 3939 Email: info@unionclub.com contacting any reciprocal club: Phone: 03 5950 8000 www.unionclub.comEmail: capeschanck@racv.com.au 1.Contact the reciprocal clubs directly for RACV - Healesville Country Club SINGAPORE MASONIC CLUB a list of the services and rates offered at 122 Healesville, Kinglake Road,Freemasons Hall, 23A Coleman St,the proposed time of your visit, and to Healesville VIC 3777 SINGAPORE 179806 find out if your Letter/Card of Introduction Phone: 03 5962 4899 Phone: +65 6336 3541 must be faxed to them prior to your Email: healesville@racv.com.au Email: admin@fmhbsg.org arrival. Members desiring accommodation RACV - Cobram Resort www.fmhbsg.org at reciprocal clubs should request Campbell Road, Cobram VIC 3644 reservations in advance and should advise Phone: +61 3 5871 9700 THE WINDSOR CLUB that they are members of NSW Masonic Email: cobram@racv.com.au 2072 Riverside Drive East, Building 25,Club.THE HAMILTON CLUB Windsor, OntarioN8Y 4S5 2.Have your NSW Masonic Club membership 39 Gray St, Hamilton VIC 3300 Phone: +1 519 258 1465card with you when visiting a reciprocal Email: admin@windsorclub.com club.Phone: 03 5572 2299 www.windsor-club.com 3. Obtain a Letter of Introduction: Please Email: info@hamiltonclub.com.au contact Administration on 02 9284 1006, or www.hamiltonclub.com.au email: admin@nswmasonicclub.com.au10NSW Masonic Club October 2021'